Wychcroft Retreat - Saturday 16th September 2023


On Saturday, a number of our congregation visited Wychcroft for a day retreat.

During the day they imagined their perfect dinner party, complete with the perfect selection of guests, food and drink, while recognising that we have all been invited by the Great Host, God, to the ultimate dinner party – the Banquet of the Kingdom.

The group explored what it means to hear and accept God’s invitation - what it means to us as individuals and what it means in our relationship with the world around us – with the billions of others who have also been invited whether we fancy the idea of sharing a table with them or not.

They thought about some of the meals that were shared in the Bible – from Abraham and Sarah getting an unplanned feast together for their surprise visitors, to the great feast of the Passover, to Martha and Mary in their house in Bethany as they hosted Jesus and his disciples and finally leading us to the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his friends. 

By exploring what it means to be host and guest, they questioned: What are the expectations we carry? What are the barriers we put up? What would help us be more hospitable or a better guest?

All this, whilst enjoying time to explore the beautiful grounds of Wychcroft and the surrounding area, some rest and relaxation in the comfy chairs, reading books and enjoy great food together.

These retreats are always so valuable and enriching. Do consider joining us on the next one.


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