October is ADHD & Dyslexia awareness month. These neurotypes often (but not always) go hand in hand, both causing executive function and processing issues, but also providing the world with incredible creative minds. It is estimated that 40% of people with Dyslexia, also have ADHD. With this combination, they use 5 times more energy to complete mental tasks, which can lead to fatigue. Both conditions are commonly misunderstood and ADHD is often thought of as a label for “fidgety” or “naughty” boys, whilst dyslexics are often dismissed as just “poor readers” or “not very academic”. In fact, both ADHD and Dyslexia are gender neutral conditions, affecting biological males and females equally. However, women can present very differently to the stereotypical indicators and, as such, often go undiagnosed, in comparison to their male counterparts. Historically, it is thought that societal expectations of girls and women meant that “daydreaming”, disorganisation or “impulsive and e